How to play Order History Album |
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How to PlayObjective: The ultimate goal of the game is to disarm the Earth. During the process of disarming, players earn credits. When the whole Earth becomes neutral (no more armies) the winner of the game is the player who earned the most points for his peace achieving efforts. In the process of the game it is necessary to negotiate disarming, colonize new countries and make wars with opponents. Equipment:
![]() Board is a map of the Earth with the continents surrounded by a path divided into squares. The Earth is (arbitrarily) divided into territories (thick border lines) each, in general composed of several countries (slight color variations; names can be found in a look-up tables using their indices). In this guide and for the purpose of the game one territory is treated as one single country. One dice Industries & Armies: Industries represent economic power. Armies are used to colonize/capture adjacent countries or to apply political pressure in order to achieve disarming. The term colonize is used to indicate that the target country currently does not have an owner, whereas the term capture is used to indicate that the target country belongs to one of your opponents. To own a country you should have in this territory at least one army and one industry. When a country is disarmed all armies are removed and replaced with equal number of industries. Players may buy armies exchanging 2 industries for one army at all times. In every round players earn two more industries for each country they possess; Industrial production. Disarming countries: Nobody may ever attack a neutral country. Disarming a country is irreversible and is the only way to earn points. There are several ways to do so: You may negotiate mutual disarming of one of your countries with a country that belongs to an opponent and has borders to your country. If proposal is accepted armies of both countries are replaced with equal number of industries and both players earn 3 points each. If a command on the path allows you to disarm one of your countries, you earn one point. If a command on the path allows you to achieve mutual disarming of one of your countries with one that belongs to an opponent, both you and your opponent earn two points each. If you are the only player that has armies in a whole continent you may disarm all your countries in that continent and earn three points for each country. This rule holds also when several countries in the continent belong to other players provided they are disarmed. How to colonize countries on the coast You may colonize any country whose coast face the square on which you are shipped and stationed, as long as it does not already belong to an opponent. To do so, just put a number of armies and industries (at least one army and one industry) in its territory (if you have no armies/industries use industrial production; and do not remove armies or industries from another country for this purpose). Other ways to colonize countries In your turn you may colonize any country that borders with any one of your countries. You announce that one of your countries wished to colonize a neighbor country and you throw the dice. One of your opponents should defend the country by throwing the dice. If you throw the smallest or same number you are expedition fails and you cannot use the same country for another expedition in this round (you can still use this country for peace negotiations). If you have the greatest number you may move any number of industries and armies from your country to the target country. You may now use the newly colonized country as based to colonize the next (or even to attack and/or negotiate disarming with new countries) and so on. There is no limits to the number of such movements. How to attack and capture a country You may attack any neighbor country that belongs to an opponent provided it’s not already disarmed. If you wish to try an attack from the sea you must put a number of armies and at least one industry in the same square with your ship and use that square as if it were a country. Of course in case you fail, you lose any armies or industries that remain on the path. Just prior to any attack both involved countries may buy armies using the industries that are already in the territories. Once the attack begins no more armies can be purchased. The outcome of the attack is governed by the throw of a dice. For any war between two countries a maximum of three trials is permitted i.e. the dice can be thrown up to three times. The attacking player may terminate the attack at any time. The player who throws the lower number looses number of armies equal to the difference of their dice. If they throw equal numbers the attacking players looses one army. If the defending player looses all his armies during the three trials, he loses the country. The attacking player can lose all but one army, in which case the attack is terminated. Once a country falls, any number of industries and armies from the attacking country can be moved to its territory. At least one army and one industry should stay behind. Any industrial guns that the loosing player left behind become your property (change to your color). You may use the newly captured country as your new base for a further attack, to colonize a new country or to negotiate disarming of this country with one that now borders. You may also initiate a new expedition from a different country. How do you negotiate a disarming? You may propose neutralization of any pair of countries (one of your countries with one that belongs to an opponent) to one or more of your opponents. If the opponent accepts, then armies from both countries are replaced with equal number of industries and both players earn points. If opponent refuses, you have the option to attack, in which case you also earn two armies (to be placed in the territory f the attacking country). There is no limit to the number of the disarming proposals in one round. When do you have neighborhoods? When only one line separates the territories of two countries. From your ship on the path with the countries that have coast facing your square. An island in a square, the ship in the same square and the countries that border that square or have neighborhood. Squares that line between continents establish neighborhood between countries on the opposite side of the square (i.e. France-Algeria). Game Preparation Four players may play this game. Each player is given 25 industries and 25 armies. The game begins with a throw of dice. The player that throws the highest number plays first and players on his left (clockwise) follow. The tokens-ships of all players are placed in the square with the double arrow next to Spain. This is the only box of which the path splits as indicated by the double arrow. Players may choose to move along any one of the two directions. Once a direction is selected, the ship is moved along the path in the same direction. Every time a round is completed and the ship comes back through this region, player may again choose direction. What to do on your turn: This is the most exciting part of the game. There are no rules as to the order in which you may colonize countries, negotiate disarming or perform military acts. There are also no limits concerning their number except for your will and your powers. You make, for example, start a chained military expedition from a country that has enough powers and colonize countries that border and do not belong to any opponent. When you come across countries that belong to an opponent you make propose disarming and if not accepted you may attack. If you succeed in capturing then you may continue a chained expedition to colonize or capture more countries. When the dice or your powers force you to terminate your expedition you may jump to another country of yours and again choose between colonizing new countries and/or making war. |